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Sacred Stones of Avalon

A Crystal Pilgrimage to Reveal the Grail Within

with Ashley Leavy & Nicholas Pearson

The Chalice Well Gardens


The land of Glastonbury is steeped in myth and legend. Sacred wells and ancient ruins dot the countryside, each one offering healing and magic to those who seek them. Ashley and Nicholas have teamed up to guide a limited number of guests on a crystal pilgrimage to explore the sacred sites of Chalice Well, Glastonbury Tor, the White Spring, the stone circle of Avebury, Stonehenge, and more. Together we will meet the crystal and gemstone guardians of the landscape.

Join internationally acclaimed authors, teachers, and crystal experts Ashley Leavy and Nicholas Pearson for a once-in-a-lifetime retreat at the Chalice Well in historic Glastonbury, England.

Retreat guests will:

Experience an inclusive retreat in sacred space

Participate in daily meditations, rituals, and immersive experiences

Craft tools and talismans rooted in traditional English folk traditions

Learn how the history and myth of Avalon points the way toward inner healing

Harness the alchemical powers of iron, lime, silica, and water

Lion's Head Drinking Fountain at the Chalice Well

Tour the landscape of Glastonbury to explore the three realms of land, sea, and sky

Work with the crystal allies of the Red and White Springs to transcend the traditional binary of Avalon and achieve balance, wholeness, and unity

Enjoy an excursion to Stonehenge, West Kennet Long Barrow, and Avebury, home of the largest stone circle in the world

Hone the skills to serve the land, the community, and the cosmos

The Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury

Retreat space is limited. Be sure to register to reserve your exclusive space. Avalon is a place of mystical experience where time moves of its own accord; this allows us to embrace the natural flow of our curriculum, ritual, and magic each day.

During this immersive experience you’ll participate in classes & ritual including:

Opening & Closing Ceremonies

Daily Elemental Invocations

Hematite & Calcite: Crystal Companions for the Red & White Springs

The Stones of the Landscape

Apple Teachings of the 5-Seeded Star

The Sapphire and the Emerald: Gems of the Holy Grail

Crystals of the Nine Morgens

Dragon Eggs and Navel-stones: The Tor’s Cosmology and Geology

The Hidden Stone and the Light within the Earth

Glastonbury Tor Sunrise

The Isle of Avalon beckons you with the promise of healing, transformation, and mystery.

Join us as we journey to sacred sites to reveal the heart of the land.

During our pilgrimage, the sacred space of Little St. Michael’s Guest House at Chalice Well will be our home away from home. While there you’ll enjoy the comfort of this historic building, nourishing meals, and the magical setting of the gardens and well.

Vesica Piscis Sacred Geometry Icon

Your retreat tuition includes:

Shared accommodations for 6 days, 5-nights at The Chalice Well Gardens

Vegetarian meals plus snacks on site daily

Around-the-clock, private access to the Chalice Well gardens and the Red Spring

Access to the White Spring

Field trip to the historic Glastonbury Abbey ruins

Time for personal reflection, nourishment, and exploration

Magical experience with Gog and Magog, the ancient Oaks of Avalon

Day trip to Stonehenge, West Kennet Long Barrow, and Avebury Stone Circle (includes transportation and lunch)

Entrance fees for field trips & group excursions

Group photos to document our experience

PLUS all the extra magic we've shared below (this means crystals, gifts, & special unannounced bonuses)

Tuition does not include:

Airfare to the U. K.

Ground transportation to Glastonbury, including train, bus, taxi, etc.

Additional entrance fees, meals, or shopping during free time


Join the wait list below to be notified of openings of future events.

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In addition to what’s included with tuition, participants can also join optional excursions to experience sunrise and sunset on the Tor, and may book personalized photo sessions with our exclusive retreat photographer.

Attendees will also have a half-day to explore the charming and colorful town of Glastonbury, complete with enchanting shops and quaint cafes. Walk about town to enjoy occult bookstores, crystal shops, the famous Star Child apothecary, and many of Glastonbury’s other unique retail outlets.

Participants will receive lots of crystals & extras, including:

A collection of locally-sourced British stones to connect to the sacred landscape of Avalon

Additional crystals to support our roles as healers of self, community, and spirit

A one-of-a-kind, handmade gemstone pendant to connect to the landscape

A collection of flower, gem, and vibrational essences co-created in sacred space

PDFs, virtualal classes, and other digital materials to prepare for your pilgrimage and keep the magic flowing upon your return

Practical tools and techniques to facilitate your connection with Avalon

And more unique gifts and surprises to capture the magic of our time together in sacred space

This retreat is bigger than the journey...

Join us online as we open our circle to prepare for the pilgrimage ahead. You’ll have the opportunity to meet the presenters, introduce the mystery of Avalon, and participate in virtual ritual to set the stage for this once-in-a-lifetime event.

About the Facilitators:

Ashley Leavy

Nicholas Pearson

Ashley Leavy is one of the world’s top crystal healing experts and educators, and author of Crystals for Energy Healing and Cosmic Crystals. Ashley’s passion for crystal healing drives her role as Founder & Educational Director of the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy. Ashley has created dozens of award-winning, online courses that are fun, educational, and life-transforming, the Love & Light School has quickly grown into a thriving international community.

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than two decades. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, Nicholas offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. Nicholas is an internationally renowned speaker and the award-winning author of seven books, including Crystal Basics and Stones of the Goddess. Nicholas lives in Orlando, Florida with his husband.


Join the wait list below to be notified of openings of future events.

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Unfortunately, due to its age, the Little Saint Michael’s Guest house is not wheelchair accessible.

Please note that the nature of our pilgrimage includes walking long distances through the English countryside, on both paved and unpaved paths. Much of the landscape we will be trekking has uneven terrain, including cobbled paths and steps that are occasionally steep, so participants should take this into consideration when deciding whether or not to register.

DEI/Values Statement:

We’re committed to supporting, honoring, and keeping our space safe and inclusive for our retreat attendees and presenters.

We will allow the following principles to guide us:

  • Issues of Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusivity are a part of spiritual work and that they should not be subject to spiritual bypassing.
  • We are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and welcoming space for all at our event and beyond.
  • We celebrate and honor the diversity of the lived experiences of our community.
  • We do NOT tolerate hate speech, bullying, or harassment. People who violate this boundary will be asked to leave the safe container of our retreat, and refunds will not be granted.
  • We strive to understand the ways in which white supremacy and unconscious biases related to age, race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation affect how we show up as individuals—and as retreat facilitators—and we are committed to actively recognizing and overcoming these biases through personal education and active listening.

The content provided on or through our websites makes no claims for specific or general healing or health results, and should not be used to: (i) examine, diagnose, or treat any medical condition; (ii) prescribe medications; (iii) make claims for specific or general healing or health results; or (iv) as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. For medical advice, you should consult a licensed healthcare specialist.